Youth employment and regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region – Qualitative and quantitative economic analysis on whether and how regional integration could lead to youth employment

Rym Ayadi, Fragkiadakis Kostas, Leonidas Paroussos, Karkatsoulis Panagiotis, Raul Ramos, Carlo Sessa, Emanuele Sessa

The overall objective of this study is to examine how regional integration can provide both short-term and long-term solutions to the employment crisis in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The study targets both increased employment creation for and improved employability of youngsters in Southern and Northern Mediterranean countries, facing persistently high and increasingly unsustainable youth unemployment rates. The analysis conducted explores the conditions under which regional integration would contribute to enhance employment creation besides sustaining output growth, which is a precondition for the expansion of employment opportunities, yet not systematically translating into higher levels of employment. It will also bring evidence of the costs, in terms of rising inequalities and persistent instability, of not engaging in a path of regional integration conducive to inclusive growth.

Press release


Rym Ayadi, Paolo Garonna, Goran Svilanović

Financial Cooperation for Pan-European, Euro-Mediterranean and EU-African Integration

This book is a collection of papers which discuss the impact of the war in Ukraine on Europe spanning a wide range of areas from geopolitical scenarios to economic prospects, sustainable energy to logistics, and the Eastern European dimension to EU-Africa relations. The authors of this book believe that we are living an unprecedented ‘European moment’, and that this moment can and should be seized upon to respond to present and future shocks. Both the papers collected in this volume and the manifesto presented point out the most promising directions of the leap forward that is required: more assertive and unified policies towards Eastern Europe, the Euro-Mediterranean region and Africa; a federalist drive towards more effective and fairer economic and social governance; the fight against polarisation and the strengthening of liberal democracy.


Rym Ayadi is the founder and president of the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA), an independent think and do thank based in Barcelona since 2012, a professor at the Bayes Business School, City University of London, a senior advisor at the Centre for European Policies Studies (CEPS) and Chair of the European Banking Authority’s Banking Stakeholders Group of the European Banking Authority.

Paolo Garonna is professor of political economy at Luiss University of Rome. He has worked for the last 15 years in the financial sector, and before that at the Italian Statistical Office, Confindustria, the OECD and the United Nations.

Goran Svilanović is a politician and diplomat from Serbia. He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs (2000-2004) and thenafterwards with various international and regional organisations (Stability Pact for SEE, OSCE and RCC). Essays were also contributed by P.C. Padoan (Unicredit), T. Coratella (ECFR), A. Pivovarsky and K. Galvin (EBRD), J.M. Roldan (JMR Spain), B. McWilliams G. Sgaravatti S. Tagliapietra and G. Zachman (Bruegel), M. De Andreis (Intesa S.Paolo), R. Edwards and P. Longo (University of Nebraska) The book is co-published  by the Euro-Mediterranean Economists Association – EMEA and the Centre for European Policy Studies – CEPS

The Role of International Cooperation and Development Aid in the EU-Africa Partnership: Governance, Actorness and Effectiveness Analysis

Rym Ayadi, Sara Ronco

EMEA Study under the TRIGGER Project, February 2023

This study provides an in-depth analysis on the EU-Africa partnership with a focus on governance, actorness and effectiveness. The research was undertaken between 2020 and 2022 under the TRIGGER Project.

The European and African continents are historically connected. The European Union has always reserved a central role for Africa in its international relations. Development and cooperation between the European Union and Africa have been built on various partnerships and agreements. This study aims at analysing the evolution of the relationship between the European Union and the African continent through the analysis of international governance and the EU’s governance, actorness and effectiveness. The analysis is based on the definitions of Governance, Actorness and Effectiveness, developed by the researchers collaborating with the EU-Funded project, TRIGGER: Trends in Global Governance and Europe’s Role.

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