Mohammed Zakariae Aboueddahab
Mohammed Zakariae Aboueddahab is a Doctor in Public Law. He is associate senior researcher at IAV and Professor of International Law and International Relations at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of Rabat-Agdal. He is also Vice-Dean in charge of scientific
Read MoreIn EMNES, he contributes to the research area on institutions and institutional reforms.

Nora Aboushady
Nora Aboushady is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. She holds a B.A. in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, an M.A. in International Economics from the Institut d’Etudes
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Ilyas Azzioui
Mr Ilyas Azzioui is currently a PhD student in Entrepreneurship at Ibn Tofail University. He is also an associate researcher at IAV. He has an engineer diploma in agronomy, a Master degree in management (ISCAE) and a M.Sc. in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship from
Read MoreHe managed a national research program as well as international research cooperation programs from 2002 to 2006. He has been a member of the Moroccan Incubators Network (RMIE) since 2005. He is currently managing CNRST’s Diaspora Incubator in addition to European projects supporting cooperation between Morocco and EU in the fields of STI and FINCOME program to promote the contribution of highly skilled Moroccan Diaspora to the development of Morocco. Mr. Azzioui conducted and contributed to several studies and projects dealing with marketing, incubation, entrepreneurship, and innovation at national and international levels. He organized, contributed and chaired many national and international workshops and conferences addressing research, innovation, business incubation and entrepreneurship issues. Mr. Azzioui was the coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean Innovation Space (EMIS) task force. He was a country correspondent of Erawatch the European Commission’s information platform on European and third countries national and regional research and innovation systems and policies.
Mr Azzioui is an active member, advisor and mentor at Startup Maroc the leading NGO supporting innovative startups in Morocco. He is also a mentor at The Moroccan banch of The Silico Valley accelerator called The Founder Institute He was an elected board Member of Middle East and North Africa Incubators Network (MENAinc) and a member of the international network called Science Parks and Innovation Centers Experts (SPICE group).
In EMNES, he contributes to the research area on private sector development and leads the entrepreneurship survey.

Abdelhak Azzouzi
Abdelhak Azzouzi is a founding member; member of the Board of Directors of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez. He is a Moroccan Professor of international relations and political science, an academic and scholar. He has founded and chaired several development and
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Antonio Bayeh
Antonio Bayeh holds a PhD in Finance from the University of Grenoble Alpes, France. He is currently Assistant Professor of Finance at ESDES, and lecturer at IAE School of Management. In addition, he is an active member of many international research networks. Prior to joining ESDES, Antonio was a lecturer at the Lebanese University and a lecturer and research assistant at the University of Grenoble Alpes.
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Rihab Bellakhal
Dr Rihab Bellakhal is an Assistant Professor in Quantitative Methods at Tunis Graduate School of Business, University of Manouba. She holds a Ph.D in Economics from University of Tunis El Manar and University Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne. She is associate researcher at ITCEQ.
Her research interests include economics of education, labor markets and micro-econometrics.
Read MoreIn EMNES, Dr Rihab Bellakhal contributes to the research activity on human capital, migration and labor markets.

Othmane Benmoussa
Pr. Othmane Benmoussa joined the Euromed University of Fes in January 2019. He is currently the director of the Euromed Institute of Technology (EIT). In addition to his experience in the academic area in Switzerland and Morocco, Pr. Benmoussa has over 15 years industry work
Read MoreCivil engineer, Pr. Benmoussa has also earned in 2003 a Ph.D in transportation, logistics, supply chain management, and breakthrough project management both from the EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – Lausanne), as well as a postgraduate diploma in transportation economics and modelling from the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and an advanced certificate for executives in Management, Innovation, and Technology from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Boutaina Bensalem
Boutaïna Bensalem is a professor in the School of Politics at the University Mohamed V of Agdal-Rabat and associate Researcher at IAV. She holds a Ph.D. in Civilisations from the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne. Much of her work focuses on International relations, History and politics.
Read MoreShe specially writes and lectures on Morocco politics and History, MENA Security, Media and Politics and Gender and Politics in Morocco.
In EMNES, she contributes to the research area on institutions and institutional reforms.

Marwa Biltagy
A Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics, Cairo University, Egypt, the head of the International Relations Office, FEPS and a member of the committee of the International accreditation, FEPS. She received the prize of Best M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses in Cairo University in 2005 and 2010.
Read MoreShe has got many awards from Cairo University for Outstanding Scientific Publishing in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively. She is a member in several professional Associations, for example, American Economic Association (AEA), Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFE). She has many publications in prestigious international journals.

Nabil Boubrahimi
Nabil Boubrahimi is Professor at Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra Morocco since 2011.He is associate researcher with EUMF. He holds a PhD in economics with a focus on Macroeconomics and International Trade. He is an associate researcher at the Royal Institute of strategic Studies
Read MoreIn EMNES he contributes to the research area on macroeconomic policy and employment in Morocco.

Demeh Daradkah
Demeh Daradkah is an Associate Professor at the department of Banking and finance, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Science, Yarmouk University, Jordan. She holds a PhD in Banking and Finance Sciences from Department of Economics and Statistics,
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Iyad Dhaoui
Iyad Dhaoui is a researcher at the department of social studies at the Tunisian Institute of Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies. He received a Phd’s degree in Economics from the University of Sfax, Tunisia. He is interested in conducting economic and social studies relating
Read MoreHe is also interested in conducting studies concerning the social aspects of development of Tunisia such as the contribution of human resources of growth and evaluation and policy analysis of employment and income distribution and follow-up of the most important determinants of population growth, health system and social coverage system and analysis of their implications in the economic and social fields.

Hafsa El Bekri
Hafsa EL BEKRI is an Assistant Professor at the Euromed Business School of The Euromed University of Fez. She holds a PhD in international Economics from the University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah of Fes and a master’s degree in international trade from Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion (ENCG). She is currently preparing a postgraduate diploma in economics at the Oxford University.
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Hafsa is a research-fellow at the Research Institute for Europeans, Mediterranean and African Studies RIEMAS and a member of expert board of the Institut Marocain d’Intelligence Stratégique IMIS.
Her research interests include south-south economic relations, spatial dynamics of capitalism, trade and investment policies in Africa, and global value chains.

Alia El-Mahdi
Alia El-Mahdi , Ph.D. Professor of Economics in Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University, and CEO of Egypols. As head of Egypols she contributed in leading policy research supporting different ministries as well as national authorities, private sector companies
Read MoreArea of specialization is in the fields of labor market studies, especially the informal labor market, and the Micro and Small Enterprises dynamics and performance, as well as several research studies on the macroeconomic fiscal, monetary and trade policies, FDI, industrial policies, education, social protection in Egypt and the Arab countries.
El Mahdi has published numerous articles and chapters in books published internationally as well as regionally and in Egypt. She also led numerous research projects in various fields of socio-economic research.
She contributed in drafting and revising the Labor Law 2003, the MSEs Law 2004 and the Social Insurance Law2010. She is currently working on drafting the new tax law for MSEs..
In the last fifteen to twenty years, she led teams of researchers and conducted over 30 socio-economic surveys for different domestic agencies/ ministries and research centers as well international organizations.
She acted and still acts as consultant and policy advisor to several ministries and international organization such as ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, WB, ADB, UNIDO, Brookings Institute, ESCWA, JAICA, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, GIZ, Arab Labor Organization, WFP, MSMEDA, UNHABITAT,,,,,etc.

Asmaa M. Ezzat
Dr. Asmaa M. Ezzat is an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at the Economics Department in Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University. Asmaa got her Ph.D. in Economics in 2015, with a joint supervision from FEPS and Institute of Law and Economics in Hamburg
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Chamsa Fendri
Chamsa Fendri is an assistant professor at ESDES Business School. She holds a PhD in finance from the University of Grenoble Rhone Alpes (France). Her research focuses on banking regulation, family firms governance and performance and digital learning assessment. She speaks French, English and Arabic.

Yeganeh Forouheshfar
Yeganeh Forouheshfar, holds a PhD in economics from Université Paris-Dauphine since 2017. Her thesis is entitled “Financial sector development, economic growth and demography in MENA region”. She holds a master’s in international economics from Université Paris-Dauphine
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Monia Ghazali
Monia is assistant Professor at ESSECT, University of Tunis and is associate researcher at Laboratory of Applied Economics and Finance at IHEC. She received her Ph.D. in Economics at the Paris Dauphine University. The thesis title is “the impact of trade openness on wage
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Mohamed Goaied
Mohamed Goaied is a Professor of Economics and Statistics at the college of Business and Economics, at Qatar University and IHEC, University of Carthage in Tunis. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics from University of Dijon, France. He has carried out
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Willem Pieter de Groen
Willem Pieter is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Financial Markets and Institutions Unit at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. He has (co)-authored several studies on EU and Near East banking regulation, as well as diversity in bank ownership and business models, small and medium-sized enterprises obstacles to growth and access to finance.
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Sinda Hadhri
Sinda Hadhri is an assistant professor at ESDES Business School. She holds a PhD in finance from the « Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis » Tunisia. Her research focuses on financial economics, behavioral finance, portfolio management, asset pricing and energy finance. She speaks French, English and Arabic.

Mahmoud Hailat
Mahmoud Ali Hailat holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Jordan University of Science and Technology, a Bachelor’s in Economics & Business Administration from Yarmouk University, a Master’s degree in Development Economics and International Cooperation from Read More

Taghreed Hassouba
Taghreed Hassouba is an assistant professor in Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences from where she got her Ph.D. Degree. Her thesis title is: “Credit Risk Management according to Basel II Accord with an Application on the Egyptian
Read MoreIn EMNES, she contributes to the research area on finance.

Dorra Mezzez Hmaied
Dorra Mezzez Hmaied is a full Professor of Finance at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (IHEC) – Carthage. She is in charge of the Finance Department and the Master of Research in Finance at the same institution. She has a PHD of the Paris Dauphine University.
Read MoreIn EMNES, she is team leader and contributes to the research area on finance.

Sami Ben Jabeur
Sami Ben Jabeur is an associate professor at ESDES Business School (Lyon, France). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in finance in 2011 at the University of Toulon-Var. His main research fields are bankruptcy prediction, machine learning models and environmental modelling.
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Yasmine Kamal
Yasmine Kamal is an Assistant Lecturer at Economics department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.She is currently working on her PhD thesis entitled “The impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Export Margins: Evidence from Egypt’s
Read MoreShe got her MSc in 2015, with thesis entitled “Determinants of Export Diversification: An Empirical Application on the Egyptian Economy”. Since 2012, she has been teaching courses of International Economics, Money and Banking, Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics. Her research interests are International Trade and Macroeconomics.
Her recent publication is Kamal, Y. and Zaki, C. (2018). How Do Technical Barriers to Trade Affect Exports? Evidence from Egyptian Firm-Level Data. Journal of Economic Integration, 33(4), 659-721.

Soumaya Ben Khelifa
Soumaya Ben Khelifa, is Assistant Professor in Finance at IHEC. She holds a PhD d in Finance from IHEC Carthage in Tunisia in April 2016. Her areas of research are: Asset Pricing, Hedge Funds, International Finance, Market Finance.
In EMNES she contributes to the research area on finance.

Wajdi Kthiri
Wajdi Kthiri, Ph D in Economics, is Chief Economist and Vice Director in the Central Direction of Social Studies at the Tunisian Institute of Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies. He conducts studies analyzing labour market trends at national, local, sectoral and occupational
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Sara Loukili
Sara Loukili is an associate researcher and a PhD candidate in Development Economics affiliated to the PSL Research University, IRD, LEDa and DIAL. Her research focuses on the medium and long run effects of demographic changes on economic growth, policies for the labor market, social protection regimes and gender issues. Sara holds a MA. in International Economics from Paris Dauphine University and BA. In Political Science with a minor in Gender Studies.

Sohail Magableh
Sohail Magableh is an associate professor in the Department of Economics at Yarmouk University since September 2013 till now. He is also Assistant Dean for quality assurance of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences since February 2019 till now. He worked as
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Markos Magdy
Markos Magdy is an assistant lecturer at the Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University, where he obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2015. After his graduation, he has worked as a research assistant at the Egyptian Center
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Rania Makni
Dr. Rania Makni is an assistant professor at the Institutes of High Commercial Studies (IHEC). She has been a member of the HEC Finance research team since 2011, conducting extensive quantitative studies in research fields related to finance and participating to
Read MoreIn EMNES, she contributes to the research area on finance.

Abdelkader Ait El Mekki
Prof. Abdelkader Ait El Mekki is professor at the Department of Agricultural Economics, the National School of Agriculture in Meknes (ENA) and Associate professor at Agronomic and Veterinarian Institute Hassan II (IAV), Rabat, Morocco. He has expertise in agricultural value chain
Read MoreIn EMNES, as a senior researcher, Pr. Ait El Mekki contributes to the research area on regional integration for the case of Morocco.

Myriam Ramzy Michel
Ms. Myriam Ramzy Michel is currently an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. In 2005, she graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science with a major in economics and minor in statistics.
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Nahed Taha Hassan Zeini Mohamed
Nahed Taha is currently an Assistant Lecturer at the Socio-Computing Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University, Egypt. She received her master’s degree in socio-computing in July 2015. In addition to her master’s degree
Read MoreShe is also a researcher at the FEPS Business Incubator (FEPS BI), Cairo University. She conducts surveys and reports in the field of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and related topics.
Her research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurships and innovation, innovation diffusion and Social Dynamics and Governance.
In EMNES, as a junior researcher, she contributes to the research area on Private Sector, Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs), and Entrepreneurship.

Hela Nammouri
Hela Namouri is an assistant professor at ESDES. She holds a PhD in Finance from the University of Paris Saclay. Her thesis deals with the stock market returns’ exposure to investor sentiment using time-series and panel switching regime models. Her research themes also focus on Agent-based modeling and network theory. Her research works have been published in international journals. Hela speaks French, Arabic and English.

Hanan Nazier
Hanan Nazier is an associate professor at the Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. She received her Ph.D. in Economics, in November 2009 at Cairo University under the direction of Professor Ahmed Ghoniem. Her research interest is
Read MoreIn EMNES, she contributes to the research on institutions and institutional reforms.

Sylvain Ouattara
Sylvain K. Ouattara is an assistant professor at ESDES Business School (Lyon). He holds a PHD in economics from the university of Normandy. He is a microeconomist publishing in top tier journals on the fields of industrial organization, regulation policy and public firms. He speaks French and English.

Sadek Ouhadouch
Sadek Ouhadouch is an assistant professor at Esdes Business School Lyon. He holds a PhD in accounting and control from the University of Clermont Auvergne. His research focuses on family firms on the quality of the financial information and income management, and firm’s governance. He speaks French, Arabic and French.

Racha Ramadan
Racha Ramadan is an Associate professor at the Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University and economic Research Forum Researcher. She got her Ph.D. in Economics, in April 2010, from Toulouse School of Economics,
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Saker Sabkha
Saker Sabkha, PhD. in Finance, is currently a Lecturer at the faculty of Economics and Management and researcher at LEGO Laboratory, University of South Brittany. In addition to research and teaching activities, he is the director of studies for the master’s degree in banking and finance.
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Iheb Sammoud
Iheb Sammoud is Chief Economist at the Tunisian Institute of Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies. He holds his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Bordeaux. The thesis title is “Evolution of FDI in Tunisia: determinants and effects on growth”. His researches Read More

Serena Sandri
Serena Sandri is Professor at the Business School of German Jordanian University, department of Logistics. She is member of the Euro Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies (EMNES) and expert member of the Euro Mediterranean Economists Association (EMEA). She is currently the scientific coordinator for Jordan for the PRIMA funded project “Boosting the Nexus Framework Implementation in the Mediterranean” (BONEX). Before joining GJU in 2012, she worked at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management of Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. She received her PhD from the Technische Universität Dresden in 2007. Her main fields of expertise are behavioral economics and entrepreneurship, with a strong focus on environmental issues.

Seifallah Sassi
Seifallah Sassi is an assistant professor of economics at University of Jendouba (Tunisia) and member of Laboratory of Applied Economics and Finance at the IHEC – University of Carthage (Tunisia). In this position, Sassi teaches and conducts research on macroeconomics. He holds a
Read MoreIn EMNES, Seifallah Sassi contributes to the research area on macro-economic policies and employment. He is in charge to compile a database that includes sectoral data essentially employment and value added and he assist senior economist in order to prepare a comprehensive status reports that identify the trends of macroeconomic indicators, survey on employment policies and an assessment on the ability of Tunisian sectors to generate employment opportunities.

Nesreen Seleem
Nesreen Seleem is an assistant lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. She is currently a PhD student at Cairo University, writing her thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Laila El Khawaga and Dr. Chahir Zaki, on fiscal sustainability and the
Read MoreIn addition to her research and teaching activities, Nesreen is also the assistant coordinator of cooperation program between the Faculty of Economics and Political Science and the United-Nations Children’s Funds – UNICEF Egypt and has previously collaborated with the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg serving as the academic coordinator of the first double-degree Master program in Law and Economics in Egypt between Cairo University and the University of Hamburg.
Nesreen holds a B.A. in Economics and a MSc. in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University. Her research interests include monetary and fiscal policy, applied time series econometrics, and macroeconomic policies of the MENA region.
In EMNES, she contributes to the research on macroeconomic policies and employment.

Mohamed Larbi Sidmou
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Larbi Sidmou is currently Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Cadi Ayyad and Senior Researcher at EUMF. From 2007 to 2011, he was Vice-president of the University Cadi Ayyad in Morocco. He acted as Head of the Department of
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Mounia Slighoua
Mounia Slighoua is since January 2017 an assistant professor at the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF). She has taken part in teaching multiple courses such as “Introduction to Law”, “Introduction to Islamic Law”, “International Law”, and “Geopolitics and Strategy”.
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Moez Ben Tahar
Moez Ben Tahar is assistant professor of economics at Faculty of Economics and Management, Sousse University, Tunisia and associate researcher at LEFA research centre at HEC Carthage and. He holds his PhD in Economics from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Read MoreHe is member of several research programs (European Commission, FEMISE, ERF, RIAD, IDRC and more).
In EMNES, he contributes to the research areas on institutions and institutional reforms and labor markets.

Jamel Trabelsi
Jamel Trabelsi is currently Director of the Research Laboratory in Applied Economics and Finance, University of Carthage Tunisia. He is Professor of business economics and econometrics at the University of Strasbourg and IHEC Carthage. He holds a PhD in
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Heba M. Zaki
Dr. Heba M. Zaki has earned her B.SC. Major economics and minor in social science computing with honor. She earned her M.Sc. in economics with excellent degree in 2004, by submitting a thesis entitled ” Testing the Purchasing Power Parity for the Egyptian Pound Exchange Rate Read More
Dr. Zaki earned her Ph.D. in Social Science Computing in 2012 with excellent degree, for the thesis entitled “The Theoretical and Applied frameworks for the transition Conditions to Knowledge Society.”
Dr. Zaki is currently teaching for undergraduate and post graduate students, many subjects some of which are: information Infra structure, Social network Analysis, Application of sociocomputing in modern information societies.
Dr. Zaki founded FEPS Business Incubator in December 2016- the first Business incubator in Cairo university- and she is currently its executive Director since February 2017. She also Ex- Advisory board member of Micro Small, Medium enterprise agency- Ministry of trade since June 2017 till December 2018. She used to be the head of Communication unit of the faculty of Economics & Political Science from Jan 2015 till April 2017, as well as The head of ALUMNI and Recruitment unit, since July 2015 till April 2017.
Her Research Interests vary between different disciplines reflecting her interdisciplinary background. Some of her main research interests are:Knowledge Society & Innovation, Knowledge Economies ,Entrepreneurship, & micro finance, Socio Cybernetics, Internet Studies, &Social Network Analysis
Dr. Zaki has received a variety of specialized training courses and workshops in Incubator management ( USAID), Pre- Incubation Entrepreneurship program ( Babson College Executive Program), Technology commercialization( UN ESCWA), Governmental and Institutional Decision Support Systems: Economic Track ( EU TEMPUS project), Project Mangement( DAAD).

Habib Zitouna
Habib Zitouna was the General Director of the Tunisian Institute of Competitiveness and Quantitative Studies (ITCEQ) part of the Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation. He is Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and
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