EMNES Policy Paper 013
The objective of this policy paper is to develop the idea that Europe, in its regional relations, needs two model partner countries in the South, as in the East, to act as the locomotive for other countries. In a region full of turmoil, Morocco, through its various advances, stability and reforms of all kinds, is entitled to position itself as a ‘pilot country’ and a ‘privileged partner’. Nature abhors a vacuum, the Mediterranean likewise! In addition, this hypothesis seems largely corroborated by the history of European construction. France and Germany are the two countries that have placed their cooperation under the auspices of European construction more than any others. Morocco remains an exceptional country, in terms of all its multifaceted advances, and it is entitled to position itself in the role of a ‘pilot country’ and ‘privileged partner’ and to establish itself as the only Mediterranean country with which the EU could develop a deep relationship.